Breastfeeding Pressure Killed Baby, Says Mom

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The pressure to breastfeed led to the starvation of her infant boy, claims Jillian Johnson.

Jillian Johnson gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy and named him Landon. Following the baby boy’s death, Jillian wrote on a Fed Is Best blog that if she’d given Landon “just one bottle,” in addition to breastfeeding, then her baby would still be alive.

Five years ago, Landon died, and Jillian Johnson is spreading her breastfeeding story in hopes that “no other family ever experiences the loss that we have.” Johnson stated in her blog that she and her husband had read all of the books and taken all the classes that new parents usually do. She stated that Johnson and her husband wanted what was best for their new baby, and they had read how important breastfeeding was. They’d read about how you shouldn’t give your baby formula instead of breastfeeding unless you’d had breast augmentation or breast cancer, or if there was other serious medical condition that would preempt breastfeeding.

Jillian’s son, Landon, was born full term, weighing seven pounds, seven ounces by emergency cesarean due to “fetal intolerance to labor.” Upon being returned to Jillian, the baby boy was exclusively breastfed. According to the mother, Landson would latch perfectly fine and would breastfeed for 15 to 40 minutes every one to two hours. By all outward appearances, the baby boy was doing just fine with breastfeeding.

Except that he wasn’t. …>>Read More

Source: The Inquisitr


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