
A/Prof Ken Sikaris

Principal Fellow of the Department of Pathology at Melbourne University, and Director of Clinical Support Services for Sonic Healthcare
A University of Melbourne graduate, A/Prof Sikaris trained at the Royal Melbourne, Queen Victoria, Prince Henry’s and Heidelberg Repatriation Hospitals. He obtained fellowships from the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) and the Australasian Association of Clinical Biochemists (AACB) in 1992 and 1997 respectively.
A/Prof Sikaris was appointed Director of Chemical Pathology at St Vincent’s Hospital in 1993 and Medical Director of Dorevitch Pathology in 1998 before starting at Melbourne Pathology in 2003. He specialises in Prostate Specific Antigen, cholesterol and quality assurance and is Chair of the RCPAQAP Key Incident Monitoring Program for Australasia.A NATA-accredited laboratory assessor, he is also founding Fellow of the RCPA Faculty of Science where he is Principal Examiner in Pathology Informatics.A/Prof Sikaris is a Principal Fellow of the Department of Pathology at Melbourne University and lectures to undergraduates, GPs and a variety of specialist groups across Australia and overseas.A/Prof Sikaris is also Director of Clinical Support Services for Sonic Healthcare and Director of Chemical Pathology at Melbourne Pathology.

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Blood tests for iron status are among the most common requested in clinical medicine. This may be largely justified because of the prevalence of iron deficiency combined with a relatively common genetic condition of haemochromatosis. In Australia, iron deficiency, defined by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) as a ferritin level below 30 ug/L, affects only 3.4% of men but 22.3% of women according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics survey in 2011-2012. The issue in women is particularly related to premenopausal women (16-44 years) where 34.1% are iron deficient. This is not surprising when nutrition surveys show that 40% of premenopausal women have inadequate dietary iron intake. Despite this high prevalence, screening with iron studies is not currently recommended in any demographic. While many hospitals include a ferritin in the shared care antenatal panel, most antenatal guidelines assume that an FBE will detect iron deficiency (which is probably wrong). Anaemia is a late stage of iron deficiency and ideally not a stage we should be waiting for. While it is true that microcytosis of red cells is often found in iron deficiency this is unreliable as
  • thalassaemia also causes microcytosis and
  • vegetarians usually also have B12 deficiency which causes macrocytosis that ‘cancels out’ the low mean cell volume.
The unevenness (or high red cell distribution width / RDW) is a more sensitive test of early iron deficiency. The association of B12 deficiency and iron deficiency, especially in vegetarians, is so important that clinicians should always think of the other when the other is detected. It is estimated that one in eight Australians carry the predisposition to haemochromatosis. It is most common in British / Celtic peoples (C282Y or H63D are the common HFE gene mutations). When two HFE heterozygotes have children, one in four of the offspring will be homozygote therefore roughly (1/8 * 1/8 * 1/4 =) 1/256 Australian are homozygote - but only half develop disease. This may be because many have been protected from iron overload through diet or blood loss, such as blood donation. Even at a ‘disease’ prevalence of 1:400 to 1:500, haemochromatosis is a relatively common condition with significant potential morbidity that must be considered, especially in all relatives (first degree relatives can be gene tested without iron studies). ‘Iron overload’ is a little more awkward to define than iron deficiency. Serum ferritin levels above the population norms are not necessarily harmful, but if we waited for serum ferritin levels to reach dangerous levels (eg >1000 ug/L), we would not be preventing the sequelae of iron overload such as liver disease, but also a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and premature arthropathy. Most labs have upper clinical decision limits for ferritin of between 200 and 500 ug/L as a sensitive early warning for the possibility of haemochromatosis. Should a high ferritin level be confirmed, gene testing can be rebated according to Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) requirements. The pathology tests I have been discussing serum ferritin as the marker of iron stores however clinicians in Australia commonly request ‘iron studies’. Indeed, ferritin is the storage protein for iron that ‘leaks’ out of cells and most accurately reflects cellular iron stores. What is the value of the other two measurements? One of the other measurements is serum iron and it is a bad measure of iron status (we probably shouldn’t report it at all). The serum iron level depends on meals, depends on the time of day (lower in the afternoon) and most importantly, depends on the concentration of the protein that chaperones iron in the circulation: serum transferrin. Patients with higher transferrin levels will generally have higher serum iron levels. What is important is how iron is the transferrin carrying and this is calculated as the ‘transferrin saturation’ (a ratio of serum iron to transferrin). Typically transferrin saturation is at least 10% full, and uncommonly more than 45% full and levels outside this are supportive of iron deficiency and iron overload respectively. While the transferrin saturation calculation corrects some of the unreliability of serum iron, saturation is still subject to diet and supplements and diurnal variation. Clinicians in Australia are used to requesting the full iron study panel of tests. This is useful in iron overload because in haemochromatosis, the earliest change is a high transferrin saturation which may be found years before the ferritin rises above the upper decision limit. A confirmed elevation of transferrin saturation is also allows haemochromatosis gene testing to be MBS rebated. Iron deficiency can be identified by a low serum ferritin (less than 30 ug/L) and the rest of the iron studies may also be altered with low serum iron saturation and higher levels of transferrin. Low serum iron saturation is non-specific (eg diet and afternoon samples) and high transferrin is also non-specific (eg OCP and pregnancy). Unfortunately there are some patients that are misidentified with iron deficiency because of these non-specific tests even when ferritin was clearly normal and there is discussion of banning the ability to request serum iron and transferrin when looking for iron deficiency because of the potential harms in misinterpretation. For clinicians there are even more important confounders than the physiological effects on serum iron and transferrin saturation because when inflammation (the ‘acute phase reaction’) is present the body actually hides away its iron stores by decreasing iron release (low serum iron), decreasing transferrin production (ie negative acute phase reactant), and because iron is no longer being mobilised, it starts accumulating in cells (ferritin rise as if it were an acute phase protein). Unfortunately all the iron studies are therefore unreliable in the presence of inflammation and if there is some suspicion a serum CRP is the most sensitive and specific test to detect inflammation. All we can say otherwise is
  • that if the ferritin is below 30 ug/L in the presence of inflammation there must be iron deficiency and
  • (ii) if the ferritin rises above 100 ug/L in the presence of inflammation then there was probably enough iron around anyway.
There is a test that helps separate true iron deficiency in anaemic patients with inflammatory disorders called ‘soluble serum transferrin receptors’ but it is not covered in the Medicare Benefits Schedule although the RCPA have made a submission to government.
General Practice Pathology is a new regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial, free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.

Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Vitamin B12 testing remains the most common vitamin investigation in clinical practice and is often included in the investigation of common problems such as anaemia and dementia. The assessment of Vitamin B12 status using blood tests is imperfect and although a variety of other tests can be used to improve assessment, this can lead to complexity and confusion. In this discussion I hope to share the insights from thousands of analyses and hundreds of clinician’s questions.

Sources of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a unique cobalt-containing molecule naturally synthesised by bacteria. Some animals, especially herbivores, absorb it from their intestinal microbiome, and build up a store. Other animals, particularly carnivores, can obtain B12 by eating animals that store B12, or animal-based products such as eggs and milk. Vegetarians consuming milk products and eggs may have low B12 levels, as the B12 content of milk is often low (1mg/L) and even lower if ultra-heat treated. Non-animal sources of B12 are extremely limited, with Nori seaweed containing small amounts and B12 levels in mushrooms and most other plant-based sources reflecting bacterial exposure (eg manure/compost).(1) Only strict vegetarians are considered at serious risk of dietary B12 deficiency, and even then only after some years. However, vegetarian and vegan diets are becoming increasingly popular. Similarly, breast-fed infants of vegan mothers, if not supplemented, may also be at risk of B12 deficiency.

How common is B12 deficiency?

Vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common (4- 26%) but difficult to define accurately because of varying definitions.(2) It is more common in the elderly and significant deficiency is present in up to 23% of elderly Australian populations.(3) Iron deficiency is similarly common, especially in young women, and since low consumption of iron from meat sources correlates with lower B12 intake, B12 deficiency should always be considered when dietary iron deficiency exists. While pernicious anaemia is often considered as a cause of B12 deficiency, this autoimmune illness has a relatively low prevalence compared to B12 deficiency. In our experience, only 4% of our Intrinsic Factor antibody requests are positive which is a similar result to that described by others.(4) Higher prevalence has been reported when using the less specific parietal antibody test, but even then, less than 20% of B12 deficiency can be attributed to pernicious anaemia.(5) Less than one in eight patients with positive parietal cell antibodies have pernicious anaemia and this lack of specificity increases in the elderly when the test should be avoided.

Clinical issues

Unexplained anaemia and/or macrocytosis have traditionally been the indications used for suspicion of B12 deficiency. But there are other common reasons for anaemia such as iron deficiency and the anaemia of chronic disease. There are also other common reasons for macrocytosis including liver disease and alcoholism. Vitamin B12 levels are more likely to be low in a vegetarian (or vegan) than in a patient with anaemia or macrocytosis.(6) We also find that symptoms of confusion and dementia are just as likely to be associated with low B12 levels as anaemia. And while this may be partly associative due to the higher prevalence of B12 deficiency, it should be concerning because of the neurological sequelae of B12 deficiency that may arise prior to anaemia. Neurological symptoms of B12 deficiency include paraesthesia of the hands and feet, diminished perception of vibration and position, absence of reflexes, and unsteady gait and balance (ataxia). But the range of symptoms is broad and may include irritability, tiredness, and mild memory and cognitive impairment. Severe deficiency causes subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord. In pregnancy, B12 deficiency is associated with some increase in the risk of neural tube defects and in childhood is associated with developmental delay and failure to thrive.

Why is testing so complicated?

Cobalamine is a precious vitamin that is captured and chaperoned around the body. Saliva contains a protein that will capture B12. In the stomach, intrinsic factor is produced to capture B12 released by digestion and transport it into the body. Within the bloodstream, there are two proteins that bind B12; haptocorrin and transcobalamin. These two proteins seem to have different functions with transcobalamin delivering B12 to the cells whereas haptocorrin correlates with storage. (This is similar to iron where transferrin transports iron to the cells and ferritin reflects storage.)

How to interpret B12 and HoloTC levels.

The amount of B12 attached to transcobalamin (ie holo-transcobalamin or HoloTC) therefore reflects the Vitamin B12 level available to cells. When there is a cellular deficiency of B12, the reactions dependent on B12 are obstructed and precursors such as homocysteine and methyl-malonic acid (MMA) build up and can be measured as indicators of functional B12 deficiency. HoloTC correlates better with homocysteine and MMA than the total B12 level of the blood. When total B12 levels are low or equivocal, it is appropriate to follow up with the more specific HoloTC test to help ascertain if there is a functional deficiency. Pregnant women often deplete their B12 stores during pregnancy, but they uncommonly have B12 deficiency evidenced by their normal HoloTC levels. Conversely, patients with some haematological malignancies may have high B12 stores (eg by tumours producing haptocorrin) but may not mobilise those stores evidenced by a low HoloTC and macrocytic anaemia.


Vitamin B12 deficiency is common and can be associated with neurological symptoms and haematological signs especially in vegetarians, and uncommonly in pernicious anaemia. HoloTC is more specific for clinical B12 deficiency than total B12 and that is why laboratories reflex test for HoloTC whenever the total B12 is low or equivocal.   General Practice Pathology is a new regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.  


  1. Watanabe F, Yabuta Y, Bito T, Teng F. Vitamin B12-Containing Plant Food Sources for Vegetarians. Nutrients. 2014 May; 6(5): 1861-73.
  2. Moore E, Pasco J, Mander A, Sanders K, Carne R, Jenkins N, et al. The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in a random sample from the Australian population. Journal of Investigational Biochemistry. 2014 Oct 2; 3(3): 95-100.
  3. Flood VM, Smith WT, Webb KL, Rochtchina E, Anderson VE, Mitchell P. Prevalence of low serum folate and vitamin B12 in an older Australian population. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2006 Feb; 30(1): 38-41.
  4. Aa A, Ah A, Ap S, Fh A, Pernicious anemia in patients with macrocytic anemia and low serum B12.  Pak J Med Sci. 2014 Nov-Dec; 30(6): 1218-22.
  5. Sun A, Chang JY, Wang YP, Cheng SJ, Chen HM, Chiang CP. Do all the patients with vitamin B12 deficiency have pernicious anemia? J Oral Pathol Med. 2016 Jan; 45(1): 23-7.
  6. Botros M, Lu ZX, McNeil AM, Sikaris KA. Clinical notes as indicators for Vitamin B12 levels via text data mining. Pathology. 2014; 46 Suppl 1: S84.
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Less than 40 years ago pregnancy was typically diagnosed by history and examination alone. While clinical skills always remain useful, there have been major advances in pregnancy testing that have been both clinically and medicolegally important. Like all diagnostic testing, pregnancy tests are not infallible, and it is very helpful for clinicians to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Blood tests for iron status are among the most common requested in clinical medicine. This may be largely justified because of the prevalence of iron deficiency combined with a relatively common genetic condition of haemochromatosis. In Australia, iron deficiency, defined by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) as a ferritin level below 30 ug/L, affects only 3.4% of men but 22.3% of women according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics survey in 2011-2012. The issue in women is particularly related to premenopausal women (16-44 years) where 34.1% are iron deficient. This is not surprising when nutrition surveys show that 40% of premenopausal women have inadequate dietary iron intake. Despite this high prevalence, screening with iron studies is not currently recommended in any demographic. While many hospitals include a ferritin in the shared care antenatal panel, most antenatal guidelines assume that an FBE will detect iron deficiency (which is probably wrong). Anaemia is a late stage of iron deficiency and ideally not a stage we should be waiting for. While it is true that microcytosis of red cells is often found in iron deficiency this is unreliable as
  • thalassaemia also causes microcytosis and
  • vegetarians usually also have B12 deficiency which causes macrocytosis that ‘cancels out’ the low mean cell volume.
The unevenness (or high red cell distribution width / RDW) is a more sensitive test of early iron deficiency. The association of B12 deficiency and iron deficiency, especially in vegetarians, is so important that clinicians should always think of the other when the other is detected. It is estimated that one in eight Australians carry the predisposition to haemochromatosis. It is most common in British / Celtic peoples (C282Y or H63D are the common HFE gene mutations). When two HFE heterozygotes have children, one in four of the offspring will be homozygote therefore roughly (1/8 * 1/8 * 1/4 =) 1/256 Australian are homozygote - but only half develop disease. This may be because many have been protected from iron overload through diet or blood loss, such as blood donation. Even at a ‘disease’ prevalence of 1:400 to 1:500, haemochromatosis is a relatively common condition with significant potential morbidity that must be considered, especially in all relatives (first degree relatives can be gene tested without iron studies). ‘Iron overload’ is a little more awkward to define than iron deficiency. Serum ferritin levels above the population norms are not necessarily harmful, but if we waited for serum ferritin levels to reach dangerous levels (eg >1000 ug/L), we would not be preventing the sequelae of iron overload such as liver disease, but also a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and premature arthropathy. Most labs have upper clinical decision limits for ferritin of between 200 and 500 ug/L as a sensitive early warning for the possibility of haemochromatosis. Should a high ferritin level be confirmed, gene testing can be rebated according to Medicare Benefit Schedule (MBS) requirements. The pathology tests I have been discussing serum ferritin as the marker of iron stores however clinicians in Australia commonly request ‘iron studies’. Indeed, ferritin is the storage protein for iron that ‘leaks’ out of cells and most accurately reflects cellular iron stores. What is the value of the other two measurements? One of the other measurements is serum iron and it is a bad measure of iron status (we probably shouldn’t report it at all). The serum iron level depends on meals, depends on the time of day (lower in the afternoon) and most importantly, depends on the concentration of the protein that chaperones iron in the circulation: serum transferrin. Patients with higher transferrin levels will generally have higher serum iron levels. What is important is how iron is the transferrin carrying and this is calculated as the ‘transferrin saturation’ (a ratio of serum iron to transferrin). Typically transferrin saturation is at least 10% full, and uncommonly more than 45% full and levels outside this are supportive of iron deficiency and iron overload respectively. While the transferrin saturation calculation corrects some of the unreliability of serum iron, saturation is still subject to diet and supplements and diurnal variation. Clinicians in Australia are used to requesting the full iron study panel of tests. This is useful in iron overload because in haemochromatosis, the earliest change is a high transferrin saturation which may be found years before the ferritin rises above the upper decision limit. A confirmed elevation of transferrin saturation is also allows haemochromatosis gene testing to be MBS rebated. Iron deficiency can be identified by a low serum ferritin (less than 30 ug/L) and the rest of the iron studies may also be altered with low serum iron saturation and higher levels of transferrin. Low serum iron saturation is non-specific (eg diet and afternoon samples) and high transferrin is also non-specific (eg OCP and pregnancy). Unfortunately there are some patients that are misidentified with iron deficiency because of these non-specific tests even when ferritin was clearly normal and there is discussion of banning the ability to request serum iron and transferrin when looking for iron deficiency because of the potential harms in misinterpretation. For clinicians there are even more important confounders than the physiological effects on serum iron and transferrin saturation because when inflammation (the ‘acute phase reaction’) is present the body actually hides away its iron stores by decreasing iron release (low serum iron), decreasing transferrin production (ie negative acute phase reactant), and because iron is no longer being mobilised, it starts accumulating in cells (ferritin rise as if it were an acute phase protein). Unfortunately all the iron studies are therefore unreliable in the presence of inflammation and if there is some suspicion a serum CRP is the most sensitive and specific test to detect inflammation. All we can say otherwise is
  • that if the ferritin is below 30 ug/L in the presence of inflammation there must be iron deficiency and
  • (ii) if the ferritin rises above 100 ug/L in the presence of inflammation then there was probably enough iron around anyway.
There is a test that helps separate true iron deficiency in anaemic patients with inflammatory disorders called ‘soluble serum transferrin receptors’ but it is not covered in the Medicare Benefits Schedule although the RCPA have made a submission to government.
General Practice Pathology is a new regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial, free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.

Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Vitamin B12 testing remains the most common vitamin investigation in clinical practice and is often included in the investigation of common problems such as anaemia and dementia. The assessment of Vitamin B12 status using blood tests is imperfect and although a variety of other tests can be used to improve assessment, this can lead to complexity and confusion. In this discussion I hope to share the insights from thousands of analyses and hundreds of clinician’s questions.

Sources of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a unique cobalt-containing molecule naturally synthesised by bacteria. Some animals, especially herbivores, absorb it from their intestinal microbiome, and build up a store. Other animals, particularly carnivores, can obtain B12 by eating animals that store B12, or animal-based products such as eggs and milk. Vegetarians consuming milk products and eggs may have low B12 levels, as the B12 content of milk is often low (1mg/L) and even lower if ultra-heat treated. Non-animal sources of B12 are extremely limited, with Nori seaweed containing small amounts and B12 levels in mushrooms and most other plant-based sources reflecting bacterial exposure (eg manure/compost).(1) Only strict vegetarians are considered at serious risk of dietary B12 deficiency, and even then only after some years. However, vegetarian and vegan diets are becoming increasingly popular. Similarly, breast-fed infants of vegan mothers, if not supplemented, may also be at risk of B12 deficiency.

How common is B12 deficiency?

Vitamin B12 deficiency is relatively common (4- 26%) but difficult to define accurately because of varying definitions.(2) It is more common in the elderly and significant deficiency is present in up to 23% of elderly Australian populations.(3) Iron deficiency is similarly common, especially in young women, and since low consumption of iron from meat sources correlates with lower B12 intake, B12 deficiency should always be considered when dietary iron deficiency exists. While pernicious anaemia is often considered as a cause of B12 deficiency, this autoimmune illness has a relatively low prevalence compared to B12 deficiency. In our experience, only 4% of our Intrinsic Factor antibody requests are positive which is a similar result to that described by others.(4) Higher prevalence has been reported when using the less specific parietal antibody test, but even then, less than 20% of B12 deficiency can be attributed to pernicious anaemia.(5) Less than one in eight patients with positive parietal cell antibodies have pernicious anaemia and this lack of specificity increases in the elderly when the test should be avoided.

Clinical issues

Unexplained anaemia and/or macrocytosis have traditionally been the indications used for suspicion of B12 deficiency. But there are other common reasons for anaemia such as iron deficiency and the anaemia of chronic disease. There are also other common reasons for macrocytosis including liver disease and alcoholism. Vitamin B12 levels are more likely to be low in a vegetarian (or vegan) than in a patient with anaemia or macrocytosis.(6) We also find that symptoms of confusion and dementia are just as likely to be associated with low B12 levels as anaemia. And while this may be partly associative due to the higher prevalence of B12 deficiency, it should be concerning because of the neurological sequelae of B12 deficiency that may arise prior to anaemia. Neurological symptoms of B12 deficiency include paraesthesia of the hands and feet, diminished perception of vibration and position, absence of reflexes, and unsteady gait and balance (ataxia). But the range of symptoms is broad and may include irritability, tiredness, and mild memory and cognitive impairment. Severe deficiency causes subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord. In pregnancy, B12 deficiency is associated with some increase in the risk of neural tube defects and in childhood is associated with developmental delay and failure to thrive.

Why is testing so complicated?

Cobalamine is a precious vitamin that is captured and chaperoned around the body. Saliva contains a protein that will capture B12. In the stomach, intrinsic factor is produced to capture B12 released by digestion and transport it into the body. Within the bloodstream, there are two proteins that bind B12; haptocorrin and transcobalamin. These two proteins seem to have different functions with transcobalamin delivering B12 to the cells whereas haptocorrin correlates with storage. (This is similar to iron where transferrin transports iron to the cells and ferritin reflects storage.)

How to interpret B12 and HoloTC levels.

The amount of B12 attached to transcobalamin (ie holo-transcobalamin or HoloTC) therefore reflects the Vitamin B12 level available to cells. When there is a cellular deficiency of B12, the reactions dependent on B12 are obstructed and precursors such as homocysteine and methyl-malonic acid (MMA) build up and can be measured as indicators of functional B12 deficiency. HoloTC correlates better with homocysteine and MMA than the total B12 level of the blood. When total B12 levels are low or equivocal, it is appropriate to follow up with the more specific HoloTC test to help ascertain if there is a functional deficiency. Pregnant women often deplete their B12 stores during pregnancy, but they uncommonly have B12 deficiency evidenced by their normal HoloTC levels. Conversely, patients with some haematological malignancies may have high B12 stores (eg by tumours producing haptocorrin) but may not mobilise those stores evidenced by a low HoloTC and macrocytic anaemia.


Vitamin B12 deficiency is common and can be associated with neurological symptoms and haematological signs especially in vegetarians, and uncommonly in pernicious anaemia. HoloTC is more specific for clinical B12 deficiency than total B12 and that is why laboratories reflex test for HoloTC whenever the total B12 is low or equivocal.   General Practice Pathology is a new regular column each authored by an Australian expert pathologist on a topic of particular relevance and interest to practising GPs. The authors provide this editorial free of charge as part of an educational initiative developed and coordinated by Sonic Pathology.  


  1. Watanabe F, Yabuta Y, Bito T, Teng F. Vitamin B12-Containing Plant Food Sources for Vegetarians. Nutrients. 2014 May; 6(5): 1861-73.
  2. Moore E, Pasco J, Mander A, Sanders K, Carne R, Jenkins N, et al. The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in a random sample from the Australian population. Journal of Investigational Biochemistry. 2014 Oct 2; 3(3): 95-100.
  3. Flood VM, Smith WT, Webb KL, Rochtchina E, Anderson VE, Mitchell P. Prevalence of low serum folate and vitamin B12 in an older Australian population. Aust N Z J Public Health. 2006 Feb; 30(1): 38-41.
  4. Aa A, Ah A, Ap S, Fh A, Pernicious anemia in patients with macrocytic anemia and low serum B12.  Pak J Med Sci. 2014 Nov-Dec; 30(6): 1218-22.
  5. Sun A, Chang JY, Wang YP, Cheng SJ, Chen HM, Chiang CP. Do all the patients with vitamin B12 deficiency have pernicious anemia? J Oral Pathol Med. 2016 Jan; 45(1): 23-7.
  6. Botros M, Lu ZX, McNeil AM, Sikaris KA. Clinical notes as indicators for Vitamin B12 levels via text data mining. Pathology. 2014; 46 Suppl 1: S84.
Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles

Less than 40 years ago pregnancy was typically diagnosed by history and examination alone. While clinical skills always remain useful, there have been major advances in pregnancy testing that have been both clinically and medicolegally important. Like all diagnostic testing, pregnancy tests are not infallible, and it is very helpful for clinicians to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Clinical Articles iconClinical Articles