Singh, Ajeet

A/Prof Ajeet Singh

Psychiatrist; The Geelong Clinic; Executive Chairman & Founder, CNSDose; Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Deakin Medical School
A/Prof Ajeet Singh is a psychiatrist at The Geelong Clinic. He is also the Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, Deakin Medical School. Dr Singh is Executive Chairman & Founder of CNSDose which uses technology to analyse the genes of patients to assess how easy or hard it is for certain anti-depressant medications to reach that patient’s brain.

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In this Healthed lecture, A/Prof Ajeet Singh explained the various factors involved when selecting the therapeutic agents for a given individual.

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In this Product Explainer, A/Prof Ajeet Singh, Psychiatrist at The Geelong Clinic explains the role of the antidepressant agomelatine in the treatment of depression and helping to prevent depression returning (5 mins).

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