Kirkness, Ann_Square

Ann Kirkness

Clinical Nurse Consultant; Cardiac Rehabilitation at Royal North Shore Hospital
Ann Kirkness is a Clinical Nurse Consultant in Cardiac Rehabilitation at the Royal North Shore Hospital. She has extensive clinical experience in working with people with cardiac disease, which includes development of many educational resources.

Ann has a specific interest in the role of lifestyle choices and the importance of exercise in the ongoing management and prevention of heart disease. She has also been involved in a number of research and quality improvement programs specifically related to risk factor modification and improving outcomes in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease.

Ann has publications in a number of international peer reviewed journals and presented a number of conference papers at state and national level.

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How GPs are way too busy to address all the issues after a patient’s life changing cardiac event, and how we ought to recommend a patient’s enrolment to this currently under-utilised service and resource

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