Alok Gupta-edit ai

Dr Alok Gupta

Nephrologist, Toowoomba
Dr Alok Gupta is a Nephrologist with over 20 years of experience in treating a wide range of both acute and chronic renal conditions. Originally from New Delhi, India , Alok received training in general medicine and advanced training in nephrology. He then went on to complete a two-year clinical fellowship in Nephrology at Toronto, Canada. Upon his arrival in Australia, he practised at Mildura Base Hospital in regional Victoria. In 2015, he was awarded his fellowship in Medicine and Nephrology by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He moved to Toowoomba, Regional Queensland in early 2016 and since then, has been practicing both at public and private sectors. His practice is now permanently based in Toowoomba. His area of Interest includes metabolic syndrome and its management through lifestyle changes and medications, resistant hypertension, CKD and its associated complications, and renal stone disease.

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As a general rule do not fear protein in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Highly processed carbohydrates are causing insulin resistance through uric acid pathway...

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