
Dr Deepa Gopinath

Subspecialist Urogynaecologist; Nepean Hospital; Senior Clinical Lecturer in O&G, University of Sydney
Dr Gopinath is a subspecialist Urogynaecologist and clinical lead at Nepean Hospital in Western Sydney. She has done five years of fellowship in urogynaecology, working in tertiary institutions both in UK and Australia. She has been a consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology since 2014 and has more than 20 years’ experience in this specialty.

Her passion is in streamlining healthcare and making safe, evidence based care accessible to women with pelvic floor dysfunction. She specialises particularly in cases with recurrent prolapse and urinary and faecal incontinence, offering both native tissue and mesh solutions via laparoscopic, robotic and vaginal surgical approaches. Other procedures undertaken include Urodynamics, Endoanal and translabial ultrasound, as well as Anorectal manometry.

Dr Gopinath has been described as a complete finisher with focus, goal directed approach and perseverance and a never give up attitude. She has personable skills and works well within the team. Her belief is that a solution is always hidden in any problem and all it takes is a positive attitude and hard work. Specific patient goals are a priority, and she tries to get there by informed shared decision making. Education and research are other passions, and she’ll never shy away from an opportunity to share medical knowledge with the wider community.

In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her four fur babies and two girls. She loves cooking, embroidery and any craft projects.

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