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Prof Graeme Suthers
Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Linda Calabresi
Dr Linda Calabresi

It’s been a tough week for GPs who want to march to the beat of their own drum with regard to COVID.

Dr Priya Sumithran

Type 2 diabetes is a silent pandemic, affecting one in 20 people in Australia and an estimated 500 million people around the world.

Dr Linda Calabresi

Overactive bladder affects up to 30% of adult women and yet, very often, the condition goes undiagnosed and untreated despite its potential to significantly affect quality of life.

Fiona Clark

Australia is the only country to have a licensed testosterone product for women, but prescribing it is still controversial