Reprioritising blood pressure control in primary care: A call to action

In this Healthed lecture, Professor Schutte will present the argument for why we need to reprioritise blood pressure control, the challenges we face in reducing the proportion of patients with uncontrolled hypertension and some solutions that have been shown to be effective in the primary care setting.

Heavy menstrual bleeding – Management in general practice

In this Healthed lecture, Dr Yasmin Tan presents a systematic, practical approach to managing the woman presenting with heavy menstrual bleeding. From asking the diagnosis-defining details in the history, to being able to explain the range of medical and surgical options currently available to treat this condition.

The role of ICS in COPD

In this Healthed lecture, Prof Christine Jenkins presents a comprehensive framework for health professionals assessing COPD patients and outlines an evidence-based approach to management that includes how to step-up treatment when needed, which may include inhaled corticosteroids.

Role of triple therapy in asthma

In this Healthed lecture, Prof Greg King provides a very practical approach to assessing a patient with chronic respiratory disease be it chronic asthma