loughman, Amy

Amy Loughman

Senior Research Fellow; Deakin University's Food & Mood Centre
Amy is a senior research fellow at the Food & Mood Centre. She completed her Masters of Psychology (Clinical Neuropsychology) and PhD at the University of Melbourne.
Clinically trained in neuropsychology, she is passionate about understanding the relationships between physical and mental health across the lifespan. A particular research interest of Amy’s is the gut and oral microbiomes and harnessing these to improve mental and brain health. In 2017 she was awarded the Jack Brockhoff Foundation Early Career Grant to examine the role of the microbiome in Alzheimer’s disease and cognition. She is also working on collaborative research regarding prenatal and early life predictors of child mental health at the Food & Mood Centre and the Barwon Infant Study.
Amy is an active communicator of science, and has written for The Conversation, The Research Whisperer and The Thesis Whisperer.

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