Cooper, Stuart

Dr Stuart Cooper

GP; Queensland; Clinical Editor, Health Pathways
Stuart is a British born and trained medical doctor and general practitioner who emigrated with his family to Australia in 2016. He now works as a GP in Queensland and as a Clinical Editor for Health Pathways. Prior to reading medicine in his early 30’s, Stuart originally trained as a nurse, subsequently working in a range of clinical, operational and strategic management roles across a wide range of health sectors.
Stuart is passionate about family general practice due to the breadth of medicine it allows him to practice, as well as the long-term relationship and continuity of care it enables him to offer patients. He enjoys being a medical generalist but has special interests in male health, chronic disease management, occupational medicine and is increasingly exploring an interest in medical writing.
Stuart is married to Lizzie, who is also a GP and enjoys spending time with his young family, travelling, being in the water and the great outdoors.

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