
Earning CPD by listening to Healthed podcasts is simple. Each episode is eligible for Educational Activities CPD. 

Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah

Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah, will walk us through the data, help us understand our role as GPs and look at what can be done to get our patients and the country back on track to long term protection against COVID19.

Dr Terri Foran

Major myths and misperceptions that seem to impact LARC uptake

Expert/s: Dr Terri Foran
Dr Jennifer Walsh

A study showed that medicinal cannabis helped improve sleep subjectively and in duration with no deterioration of sleep architecture

A/Prof Vicki Kotsirilos AM

Air pollution has contributed to more than 3,000 premature deaths per year in Australia, nearly x3 that of deaths from MVA

Sherin Jarvis

The causes and symptoms of pelvic floor muscle overactivity

Expert/s: Sherin Jarvis
A/Prof Sandra Turner

Major advances in external beam radiotherapy means that it achieves similar long term outcomes to radical prostatectomy with markedly less incontinence, erectile dysfunction at lower costs since it’s fully funded by Medicare

Dr Monique Heinke

Radiotherapy is suitable for non-melanomatous skin cancers that are either high risk with local invasion or metastases, where surgery is inappropriate or if the patient has extended skin field cancerisation

Prof Rodney Sinclair

Hair transplantation has long shaken off the stigma of being shoddy and obvious

Prof Robert McLachlan AM

Prof Robert Mclachlan AM, explains that male hypogonadism, caused by intrinsic pathology of the hypothalamic–pituitary–testicular (HPT) axis

Prof David Castle

Prof David Castle, explains why mood disorders in men are less common than in women, but keep this diagnosis in mind if behaviour is becoming violent.

A/Prof Jeremy Grummet

In this Healthed lecture, Prof Jeremy Grummet, explains that PSA testing continues to be a topic that is a cause of debate and sometimes confusion about which men should be tested and how the results should be interpreted and acted upon

Prof Kristine Macartney

In this Healthed lecture, Prof Kristine Macartney, takes us through the latest information on vaccine-related clots, safety and effectiveness data on the currently available and upcoming COVID vaccines