Expert Panel: RSV, respiratory viral infections and the heart

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In this episode:

  • A multidisciplinary panel explores the morbidity associated with viral respiratory infections, especially those with cardiovascular disease
  • How the impact of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) on patients with heart disease could potentially be prevented
  • How you could proactively advocate for RSV vaccination, amongst other vaccines for older adults; thereby supporting your patients to potentially prevent lower respiratory tract disease
  • By taking a proactive approach, rather than a reactive one; the quality of life and functional outcomes of your patients, including cognitive outcomes could be much better


Facilitator: Prof Andrew Sindone, Cardiologist
Panelists: Dr Desmond Graham, Geriatrician
Prof Dominic Dwyer, Infectious Diseases Physician
Dr Ted Wu, Endocrinologist

Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Total time: 49 mins


This educational activity was developed by Healthed at the request of and with funding from GSK.

Last Updated: 8 Oct, 2024

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Prof Andrew Sindone


Prof Andrew Sindone

Cardiologist; Director of the Heart Failure Unit and Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Concord Hospital; Head, Department of Cardiology, Ryde Hospital

Dr Desmond Graham


Dr Desmond Graham

Geriatrician; Northern Beaches Hospital, Sydney

Prof Dominic Dwyer


Prof Dominic Dwyer

Medical Virologist and Infectious Diseases Physician; Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services, ICPMR, Westmead Hospital, Sydney

Dr Ted Wu


Dr Ted Wu

Endocrinologist; Senior Specialist Endocrinologist, Director, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Diabetes Centre; Director of Physician Training, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney

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