In brief – Snapshots from the news – 25 May 2023

Emma Tinning


Emma Tinning

Health and Public Policy Adviser

Emma Tinning


Ultra-processed food linked to depression; RCT finds non-antibiotic treatment effective for women with persistent acne

High consumption of ultra-processed foods linked to depression
Australian research has established a link between diets high in ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of depression. The study analysed data from over 23,000 participants in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study over 15 years. It found very high consumption of ultra-processed food (comprising more than 30% of a daily diet) increased risk of depression by around 23% compared to those who ate the least amount.

Non-antibiotic treatment is effective for persistent acne in women
A double-blind randomised controlled trial in the UK has found Spironolactone is an effective treatment for persistent acne in women. Spironolactone, a potassium-sparing diuretic, is prescribed off label for acne in Australia and the UK. However, the trial which recruited over 400 women with persistent acne and where oral antibiotics would have normally been the next treatment, is the largest RCT to provide evidence that spironolactone is an effective treatment for the skin condition. Previously the largest trial had included just 34 participants.

Smog linked to premature death in patients with heart failure
Research presented at Heart Failure 2023, a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology, has found that heart failure patients are at increased risk of dying from their condition on polluted days and up to two days afterwards. The research used mortality data from five cities in Poland during 2016-2020 and concentrations of particulate matter (‎PM)2.5 and PM10 (largely due to vehicle exhaust emissions and industry fumes) from those cities. The study found a 10 μg/m increase in PM2.5 and PM10 was associated with a 10% and 9% rise, respectively, in the risk of death due to heart failure on the polluted day and the following two days. The authors had previously found an association between smog and increased hospitalisations for heart failure.

GPs in the UK working long hours and experiencing burnout are more likely to prescribe strong opioids and antibiotics
A large UK cross sectional study involved 57 practices comprising 351 GPs with over 40,000 patients has found higher rates of prescribing of strong opioids and antibiotics among GPs working longer hours and experiencing burnout. The study found higher rates of prescribing of strong opioids and antibiotics in practices with GPs with more burnout symptoms, greater job dissatisfaction, and turnover intentions and working longer hours. It also found higher prescribing of these drugs in practices in the north of England serving more deprived populations.

Prediabetes a fracture risk for midlife women
A cohort study of 1690 midlife women from the US Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation has found prediabetes before menopause transition is associated with more fractures post transition. This increase in fracture risk was specific to prediabetes and was not associated with overt type 2 diabetes. The study also found that, similar to type 2 diabetes, the prediabetes-fracture association was independent of bone mineral density, suggesting that other pathways are associated with this risk.

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Dr James MacKean

Dr James MacKean

Managing Prostate Cancer Treatment Update

Facilitator: Prof Andrew Sindone, Expert Panel: Dr Desmond Graham, Prof Dominic Dwyer, Dr Ted Wu

Facilitator: Prof Andrew Sindone, Expert Panel: Dr Desmond Graham, Prof Dominic Dwyer, Dr Ted Wu

RSV, Respiratory Viral Infections and the Heart – Exert Panel

Prof Creswell Eastman AO

Prof Creswell Eastman AO

Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy

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Emma Tinning


Emma Tinning

Health and Public Policy Adviser

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