Pimecrolimus cream in the management of eczema

In this Product Explainer Dermatologist A/Prof Deshan Sebaratnam explains the role of pimecrolimus cream in the management of atopic dermatitis/eczema where the use of a topical corticosteroid is not considered suitable (5 mins).

Beclometasone dipropionate, formoterol and glycopyrronium for the maintenance treatment of adult asthma uncontrolled on an ICS/LABA with a history of exacerbations

In this Product Explainer, Respiratory, Sleep & Allergy Physician Dr Gregory Katsoulotos explains the role of beclometasone dipropionate, formoterol and glycopyrronium pressurised inhalation solution for maintenance treatment in adult patients with uncontrolled asthma despite treatment with an ICS and a LABA with a history of exacerbations (5 mins).

Top Podcasts of 2022

We’ve compiled all the popular podcasts your colleagues have been listening to in 2022.

Aortic stenosis – How TAVI is revolutionising management

How health professionals must auscultate for murmurs in all patients over 65 years, and refer for an echo or to a cardiologist, How the symptoms of chest pain, syncope and dyspnoea appear late, and the prognosis is very poor with 50% mortality in two years, TAVI being a safe, effective, and highly cost-effective treatment for patients with aortic stenosis, and how we should be referring our patients earlier for consideration of this procedure and its current availability for only privately insured patients, unfortunately