Weight regain – What do we do?

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In this episode:

  • Chronic therapy looks at triggers that are known to create weight gain
  • Escalate therapy in anticipation of the weight gain that occurs at the end of the weight loss cycle or with any stresses that disrupt normal life style patterns
  • Focusing on weight alone will encourage people to be alert that the therapy hasn’t worked and become disengaged


Expert: A/Prof Michael Talbot, Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeon

Host: Dr David Lim, GP and Medical Educator

Total time: 35 mins


Last Updated: 23 Jul, 2024

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A/Prof Michael Talbot


A/Prof Michael Talbot

Upper Gastrointestinal and General Surgeon Specialist, Head of Department Upper GI Surgery, St George Public Hospital; Upper GI Surgeon, Bariatric Surgeon, Therapeutic Endoscopy/ERCP, Oesophageal Physiology and Reflux, Chairman of Department of Surgery, St George Private Hospital; Associate Professor, University of NSW

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