Obstetrics and gynaecology

Prof Kirsten Black
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The pre-pregnancy consultation provides a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of nutrition and lifestyle in achieving the best outcome for both the baby and the mother.

Dr Rhonda Farrell
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When and how to refer to a Gynecologist and what do Gynae-oncologists do? (and don’t do)

A/Prof Susan Evans
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Recognising the ‘red-flags’ in the history of dysmenorrhoea in a young woman

Dr Talat Uppal
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The progress of the revised Australian Cervical Screening Program and how to take the best possible sample for cervical screening

Expert/s: Dr Talat Uppal
Dr Rebecca Deans
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The possible reasons we are seeing more requests for female genital cosmetic surgery and ‘normal’ vulvovaginal anatomy

Expert Panel Facilitated by Dr Terri Foran, Panelist: Dr Sonia Davison, Prof Rod Baber, and Dr Sara Whitburn
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‘Brains-trust’ in the management of menopause and will take you through the management of menopause looking to the past, present and future.

Prof John Newnham AM
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Professor John Newnham will discuss the significance of recent research regarding the importance of maintaining pregnancies till 39 weeks will be counterpoised against a recent tendency towards elective early birth.

Dr Jason Chow
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The common causes of chronic pelvic pain and treatment of chronic pelvic pain

Expert/s: Dr Jason Chow
A/Prof Louise Hull
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Endometriosis can be a challenging condition - not only for the affected woman but also for the primary care clinician trying to treat it

Dr Talat Uppal
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How to make the diagnosis of heavy menstrual bleeding and the recommended investigations for heavy menstrual bleeding

Expert/s: Dr Talat Uppal
Prof Deborah Bateson
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What causes bacterial vaginosis, and making the correct diagnosis

Dr Elizabeth Farrell
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The physiological changes in the urogenital area after breast cancer treatment